Post-Conference Updates

Presentation Slides

  • Availability: Post-conference, we are excited to make the presentation slides accessible to all attendees.
  • Details: In the aftermath of our insightful sessions, we are diligently compiling and organizing the presentation slides. These slides encapsulate the wealth of knowledge and expertise shared by our esteemed speakers.
  • Timeline: We understand the importance of continued learning and reflection. Therefore, we will promptly provide information on how attendees can access and revisit these valuable resources.

Conference Survey

  • Feedback Opportunity: As our conference journey has concluded, we will invite you to share your feedback through our post-conference survey.
  • Expectations: Look out for an email containing the survey link, where you can provide insights on your conference experience.
  • Importance: Your feedback is invaluable in shaping future conferences, ensuring they meet the evolving needs of our higher education community.
  • Participation Encouraged: We encourage all attendees to take a few moments to complete the survey and contribute to our collective growth and improvement.

Conference Instagram Winner

  • Exciting Announcement: As we reflect on the highlights of our conference, we are thrilled to announce the winner of our conference Instagram challenge.
  • Stay Updated: Keep an eye on our official conference Instagram page for the exciting reveal of the winner.
  • Engagement: We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all participants for their enthusiastic engagement throughout the conference and social media activities.

Post-conference updates and announcements will be communicated via email and our conference website. Thank you for your active participation and dedication to advancing higher education!